There are many variables to be considered when assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a board of directors.

When performing Governance Assessments, Charney Associates tailors the scope of the evaluation to reflect our clients’ specific organizational needs and dynamics.

For all boards, however, there are underlying structural dynamics that impact long-term organizational performance, regardless of current board composition, board member engagement, term length, etc.

Excerpted from Charney Associates’ Board Assessment of Structural Effectiveness (B.A.S.E.) Survey™, the following questions address these core structural issues:

  1. Has the Board established specific results criteria that define successful organizational performance? ___yes    ___no
  2. Is there clarity and a shared understanding between the Board, Board members and the CEO as to where the Board’s authority leaves off and the CEO’s picks up? ___yes    ___no
  3. Does the Board have a unified agreement as to what constitutes effective CEO performance? ___yes    ___no
  4. Are the performance evaluation criteria and systems for CEO evaluation clearly established and understood by all Board members? ___yes    ___no
  5. Do the Board and its members have a clearly articulated understanding as to their role and authority, individually and collectively? ___yes    ___no
  6. Are there clearly defined job descriptions and authority for the Board Chair, officers and board committees? ___yes    ___no
  7. Does the Board have a system to focus on and assess community/industry trends and future needs, so it can, with confidence, can establish priorities as to the future results of the organization? ___yes    ___no

The results

If the majority of your Board would answer “yes” to each of these questions, congratulations! You have a “system” in place that is conducive to governance excellence and organizational accountability.

If not the case, the ability of all Board members to reply “yes” to each of these questions is essential to accountability in governance, which in turn is key to organizational achievements and success.

All Board members being able to answer “yes” to each of these questions are among the assured outcomes of the Board Performance System™ protocol offered by Charney Associates.